BCOE&M 2.7.0: Features

Electronic Scoresheets Now Available!

As mentioned in the Competition in the Time of COVID-19 article appearing in January 2021 issue of Zymurgy magazine, electronic scoresheets were available only for hosted installations. As of version 2.3.0, Electronic Scoresheets are available to everyone as part of the BCOE&M core.

Built with Bootstrap, BCOE&M 2.7.0 renders beautifully.
On any device.

BCOE&M collects competition judge, steward, and participant information including name, address, phone, and email address. It also collects and associates entries for each participant based upon BJCP 2015, BJCP 2021, or Brewers Association styles.

Participants have the option to enter their recipes or import them using BeerXML-compliant files (if enabled by a competition admin).

Once a participant enters their brews, they can print the necessary documentation - bottle labels and entry forms (if enabled by a competition admin). They can even pay online via PayPal (again, if enabled by a competition admin).

Competition organizers have a full suite of competition organization tools at their fingertips including defining tables and flights, assigning judges to tables/flights, and entering scores for each entry after judging. There is also a comprehensive set of reporting tools available including pullsheets, table cards, judge/steward sign in sheets, address labels, judging labels, competition results, etc.

Registered Participants Can...

  • Add/edit/delete their own entries during the registration window.
  • Print competition entry forms with pre-formatted information (participant name, style, brew name, ingredients, etc.).
  • Add entries using BeerXML-compliant files (which can be output by BeerSmith, Brewfather, or other brewing software packages).
  • Edit their personal information.
  • Change their password and/or reset their password if they've forgotten it.
  • Pay for entries online (if a Top-Level Admin enables PayPal payments).
  • Indicate their preferences for judging and stewarding (location, styles, etc.).

Mid-Level Administrators Can...

...do everything that registered participants can, and more. Mid-level administrators are generally competition staff members like the judge coordinator or website administrator. Individuals with this level have limited access to administrative functions.

  • View available judges and stewards from the participant pool.
  • Designate judging tables.
  • Enter scores during the competition.
  • Designate BOS entries.
  • Assign BOS judges.
  • Assign judges and stewards to tables.
  • View all entries and filter by style.
  • Utilize a full suite of reports from pullsheets, to judge sign-in, to results, to address labels.
  • Export entry, participant, judge and steward information to CSV for use in programs such as Microsoft Excel.
  • Export judge, steward, and styles by location.
  • Add/edit/delete any entry or participant.
  • Add/edit/delete their own entries.
  • Assign styles, judges, and stewards to particular judging locations/times.
  • Use the same installation competition after competition by archiving previous competition data with the Archive feature

Top-Level Administrators Can...

...do everything! Top-level administrators are generally the competition organizers or website administrators. Individuals at this level have full access to all administrative functions.

  • Customize their installation by setting up the entry window, detailing drop-off and mail-in locations, defining the competition's rules, displaying sponsor logos, delineating payment options, and configuring preferences.
  • Enter multiple judging locations and judging dates.
  • Enter multiple drop-off locations.
  • Provide mapping and driving directions to judging and drop-off locations.
  • Define the styles accepted based upon BJCP 2008, BJCP 2015, or BA guidelines.
  • Create custom styles and style types for judging.
  • Collect participant and entry information.
  • Utilize barcodes/QR codes on user-printed bottle labels for entry check-in purposes at sorting.
  • Collect judge and steward names, addresses, and email addresses.
  • Facilitate the collection of entry fees via PayPal.
  • Designate a competition-level entry limit.
  • Designate a per-entrant entry limit.
  • Designate a limit of entries per entrant by sub-style.
  • Designate exceptions to the per entrant sub-style limit (e.g., per entrant limit for Category 23: Specialty Beer is two per entrant, etc.).
  • Designate entry fees to be:
    • A per entry fee.
    • One fee for a designated number of entries and a second fee for all subsequent entries.
    • A flat fee for unlimited entries.
    • A"members only" fee (users must enter a secret password to take advantage of it).
  • Expand upon BCOE&M's core functionality by designating and utilizing custom modules.